In general, Go / No Go testing refers to a pass/fail test (or check) principle.
Each propositions are tested according to several criteria in order to agrees whether the project advance to the next phase or not.
The Go / No Go meeting is a critical milestone in a project plan and the criteria must be well defined and be less subject to interpretation as possible.
Evaluations involving numerical scores convert raw scores to Go / No Go based on cutoffs defined before the workshop.
Usually, an item must score Go on all criteria of an evaluation in order to advance to the next phase.
For each item, give a rate on several criteria. There are 3 possible outcomes and this is often useful to keep the project on track.
Add a comment if you want to minute the reasons of your evaluation.
Note for the facilitator:
Before the workshop:
Here are the results!
You can click on each card to look into the details of its evaluation:
Based on these results, make the right decision:
Items in the Go or the Go with caveats should be addressed precisely.
For each groups, decide collaboratively what type of actions you should take.
For each cards, decide how this action will be done.
Click on a card and define your action according to three questions :
To fill these categories, click on the card you want to augment, click on the blue line underneath, write your contribution and click on "Save".
Note to the facilitator: