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PESTEL - Analyse your business environment

PESTEL is a 4-step business analysis workshop that enables participants to scan their business environment along six macro-environmental factors:

  • Political
  • Economic
  • Social
  • Technological
  • Environmental
  • Legal

1. List all factors

Identify and list all the macro-environmental factors that have or will have an impact on our company and our business.

2. Select most important factors

Select the most important factors out of the six macro-environmental categories by scoring the individual contributions from -1 to +3 :

  • [-1] This factor has no impact on our company and business
  • [+1] This factor is important to our company and business
  • [+3] This factor is critical to our company and business

Note: to avoid selection bias, you cannot score you own contributions.

3. Discuss results

Discuss results:

  • What are the most critical factors? Why did we give them a high score?
  • Also, take a look at factors with a low or negative score. Are we sure we do not leave something important behind?

4. Formalise key learnings

Take a global look at the different factors:
* What are the consequences for our company?
* What have we learned from this analysis?

Write down you contributions in the Key Learning cluster.

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