This method will allow us to explore all perspectives to our challenge by wearing 6 different shoes one at a time to force us to move outside of our habitual thinking style. It's useful to have a lot of different point of view, avoid adversarial thinking and make better decisions.
This workshops is inspired by the work of Edward de Bono: the Six Thinking Hats
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How are we doing?
What is the subject? What are we thinking about? What is the goal? Can look at the big picture.
Reflect on this session.
What do we know?
Focus of facts and data when available - analyze past trends and extrapolate from historical data.
What do we feel?
Focus on emotions and feelings - gut reaction.
Why it won't work?
Focus on logical negative view - why ideas won't work. What are the risks, the difficulties, the problems?
Why it will work?
Focus on logical positive view - benefits of a decision and the opportunities that arise from it.
What else can we do?
Focus on Creative - out of the box thinking. What are the alternatives?