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CPS Step 1 - Explore the Vision

Explore the vision is the first step of the Clarify stage of the Creative Problem Solving process. Its purpose is to identify our primary goal, wish or challenge.

This activity is made of 2 phases:

  • A divergent phase to generate as many wish statements as possible. To do so, the team will use a Silent Brainstorming technique followed by a traditional Brainstorming session.
  • A convergent phase to select the one wish that will be taken over to CPS - 2. Gather Data. To do so the team will use the $100 budget game followed by the 3 "I"s technique.

About the CPS process.

There are many models of the Creative Problem Solving process. Though, as recommended by the Creative Education Foundation, Stormz has chosen to focus on an evolution of the Osborn-Parnes CPS called the CPS Learner’s Model.

The basic structure is comprised of four stages with a total of six explicit process steps. Each of these process steps is available in Stormz as a template.

1. Generate wish statements

If you had unlimited time, funds, and support, what would you accomplish?

Let's do a Wish Storming and generate as many wish statements as possible.

Don't forget to follow the rules of divergent thinking:

  • Use invitational stems: start all your wish statements with either IW (I wish...) or IWBGI (It would be great if...)
  • Go for quantity: create as many cards as possible (write one wish per card)
  • Defer judgment: don't judge the relevance of your wishes at this point
  • Seek wild ideas: stretch to create wild ideas, there are no limit to your wishes

* It is a Silent Brainstorming, in this step, you cannot see other's ideas

2. Generate even more wishes

You can now see other's wishes...
Let's build on that to generate even more wishes!

  1. Discuss to clarify the meaning of the existing wish statements
  2. Merge similar wishes, you can also create clusters of wishes
  3. Generate even more wishes, use the discussion or a specific wish as a springboard for another

Again, don't forget to follow the same rules as previously:

  • Use invitational stems: start all your wish statements with either IW (I wish...) or IWBGI (It would be great if...)
  • Go for quantity: create as many cards as possible (write one wish per card)
  • Defer judgment: don't judge the relevance of any wishes at this point
  • Seek wild ideas: stretch to create wild ideas, there are no limit to your wishes

3. Select the key statements

You can now see all the wishes...

Imagine you have $100 (or $100 Million :-) to grant one or several wishes. How would you invest your budget?

In order to invest money on a wish, just click on the card and select the amount of your investment.

Don't forget to follow the rules of convergent thinking:

  • Be Deliberate: Allow decision-making the time and respect it requires. Avoid snap decisions or harsh judgments. Give every option a fair chance.
  • Be Affirmative: Even in convergence, it’s important to first consider what’s good about a wish and judge based on its potential for improvement, rather than eliminating, wishes based on the flaws.
  • Consider Novelty: Do not dismiss novel or original wishes. Consider that there will be ways to tailor, rework, or tame wild wishes.

4. Discuss and evaluate the options

Look at the outcome of the investment step and discuss all together:

  • Does the final ranking make sense?
  • Are there any wishes with few points that we would like to save?
  • Can we combine 2 wishes to make a better one?

Finally, select one final wish statement that will be the base of our next activity: CPS Step 2. Gather Data. As a final check, ask yourself:

  1. Is this wish really important to us?
  2. Do we have the influence required to make it happen? Are we the key decision-makers?
  3. Does brining this wish into reality require imagination and creative thinking?

Important note:

  • Maybe, you are not convinced by any of the wish statements under consideration. That is quite common and that is not a problem! It just means that you need to iterate, so, just go back to step 1 and generate even more statements.

5. (Optional) Illustrate our wish(es)

This step is optional, the idea is that we give life and visual meaning to our final wish statement by illustrating it with one or several drawing(s), photo(s) or illustrations(s).

How to do that?

  1. Sketch the wish, take a photo of it and upload it onto your computer
  2. Click on the card, click on the "Add attachment" button to attach your sketch to the card
  3. Alternatively you can directly look for images on the web
  4. Discuss & reflect on that final step.

6. Congratulations!

Congratulations, we have finished the first step of the CPS process!
Let's celebrate by imagining the first steps of a little victory dance and once done, we will be able to launch the second step of the CPS process: Gather Data.

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