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Learning History - Get students to list, organize and analyse historical events

Learning from History allows you to collaborate by sharing what you are learning about the various historical events related to any topic, organize those events on a timeline and analyze the importance and impact of each one.

1. List events

What are all the historical events connected to our topic?

  • Write down one card for each event
  • Describe each event in one sentence that follows this format: noun - action - noun. For example: "Franklin discovered the connection between lightning and electricity"
  • You may also add a relevant photo to each card

2. Organize the events

In this step, we will move each event into it's corresponding timeframe.

Working as a group, drag and drop each card into the appropriate time period:

  • In the early 1900s
  • Mid 1900s
  • Late 1900s
  • 21st Century

Note to the facilitator

  • Important! If you are doing this exercise with more than a few participants, it is recommended that each participant move only the cards that they created.
  • If needed, you should change the time periods as appropriate to your topic. Just keep it simple and try not have more than 5 time periods.

3. Discuss and analyse

Look at the final results and discuss all together:

  • Is the timeline correct?
  • Which were the most important events within each time period? Click on a card and add votes according to how important it was. Note that you have a maximum of 3 points per card.

You may also comment on each card.

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