Prototyping is a great way to make an idea, a service, a principle or a strategy tangible.
In this session, the participants will be given the opportunity to:
What kind of prototypes will be built?
Depending on the context, there are many ways to prototype an idea:
Let's generate as many ideas as possible!
Try to imagine all the ideas that we could implement to:
Don't forget to follow these rules:
Note that in this step you cannot see other's ideas.
Note to the facilitators: You can replace this simple one step ideation technique with any other Stormz templates or creativity technique.
Let's craft a solution and prototype it!
Look at all the ideas generated in the previous step, can you come up with one potential solution?
Instead of sitting around talking about the abstract possibilities of our solution, we are going to build a prototype of our solutions!
In sub-group:
Note to the facilitator
There are many ways to prototype an idea, you should pick one that is relevant to the kind of idea you are evaluating. It could be:
Pitch your solution to others!
You have 60 seconds to present your prototype to others.
Let them ask any question to clarify your solution. Alternatively they can comment on your solution's card.
Let's help the others!
Use PPCO to give constructive feedback to others.
Click on a card and tell us:
Now, it is time to improve our solution!
Look at the feedback you received and build a second iteration of your prototype.
Evaluate novelty, usefulness and feasibility of our solutions!
Evaluate other's prototypes from 1 to 10 along 3 criteria.
New: how innovative is the solution?
10 meaning "A disruptive innovation".
Useful: how much does it solve the problem?
10 meaning "It will absolutely solve our problem".
Feasible: how easy it is to implement the solution?
10 meaning "It is really quick, easy and un expensive to implement the solution".
Let's have a look at the results!
We should take the time to reflect on the evaluation results and decide on the next steps: