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Retro'KISS - Quickly reflect on the past

Retro'KISS is a quick & simple retrospective technique that will help us to formalise the lessons we can learn from our recent experience and identify improvement actions.

Retro'KISS is a simpler alternative to the other more sophisticated Retrospective templates.

This workshop is part of our *KISS** (Keep it simple & stupid!) collection: simple and straightforward sessions that you can run in no time.*
These templates are also well adapted for running *asynchronous online** sessions.*

1. What happened?

Take a few minutes to think of:

  • What went well?
  • What did not go so well?

Write down each specific idea on a separate card.

You can also comment and/or Like (+1) or Dislike (-1) other's contributions.

2. Step back and discuss next steps!

Have a look at the outcome of the previous session:

What should we do next to:

  • Build on what went well?
  • Improve what did not go so well?

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