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Weather report - Assess the group's mood

Weather forecast is a quick 5 minutes activity that can be used as a starter or as a closing of a meeting to assess the participant's mood and discuss about it.

1. Vote on the weather cards

In what mood are you in? And Why?

You have 5 points to distribute on the weather cards that best represent your current mood.

  1. Click on the cards and distribute your points
  2. If you want, you can explain why you are feeling this way

Note: it is OK to have mixed feelings, for example, you could give 4 points to Sunshine and 1 point to Rain.

2. Discuss and reflect on the outcome

Let's have a look at the result!

Take a look at the weather:

  • What is the global weather?
  • Is there a lot of local variability ?

Discuss and reflect on the why:

  • What can we do to improve?

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