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Gamifiying a museum tour

For 700 newcomers of a French aerospace company

Stormz is mainly known for organizing large-scale workshops, especially for annual seminars. But sometimes, our clients decide to challenge us and encourage us to leave the comfort zone of our usual collaborative sequences. As long as we're sure of having complete control over the technology and technical aspects (cf. our article #C1), we're always ready to rise up to the challenge!

During this three-day event, we were asked to design and coordinate an interactive and gamified visit of a private museum. The challenge? Enable the 700 participants of the event to visit and learn everything there is to know about the museum over this three-day period. An ideal challenge to demonstrate - once more - the flexibility of our Stormz platform and the know-how of our consultants on a wide range of collective dynamics.

The 3 steps of a successful experience

  • 1 - Defining the routes of the participants

    Imagining 12 simultaneous routes to ensure a dynamic and immersive visit for all 700 participants, also able to adjust to the event's timetable changes.

  • 2 - Designing and adjusting the riddles

    Creating a custom-made serious game, from an existing escape game, to fit the museum's and the event's specific features, using the Quiz Activity as an interactive support.

  • 3 - Managing the teams

    Briefing and coordinating a 7-people team in charge of animating the beginning of the tour, guiding the participants, timing as well as managing the equipment and flow during the whole course of the visit.

The setup

The goal was to adapt an existing escape game to a visit spread over 3 mornings with 280 participants per day, grouped in 4 tours of 70 people each. Since the venue was over 4.000 m² on several floors, teams had to be able to coordinate with each other via walkie-talkies so that every activity could start and end at the same time. The coordination of the teams on the go was particularly crucial and tricky as transition times couldn't exceed 5 minutes, and the length and speed of the visits varied following the motivation and curiosity of the participants.

Main aspects of the setup:

  • Multiple visits of the venue ahead of the event to scout, adjust the riddles and create new ones.
  • Creation of graphic content to illustrate all the riddles and allow the participants to find their way around the museum.
  • Dividing 230 participants per day in four groups of 70 people. In each tour, the 70 participants were divided into small groups of 5/6 with different starting points to improve the flow.
  • A single arrival point with a final riddle to end the story-line and celebrate the victory with a group picture.
  • Creation of additional riddles so that each group can have access to a riddle without queuing.
  • Setting up a customized series of riddles for every group to manage the flow of participants.
  • Creation of specific briefs and timetables for everyone, including the hostesses, area managers and narrators.
  • Optimization of the riddles with quiz statistics.

Why ask Stormz to design your interactive visits or other Serious Games?

  • A multidisciplinary and versatile team to create a comprehensive setup, including routes, interactivity and all the technical and graphic aspects.
  • A strong know-how in collective intelligence and management of large groups for custom-made content.
  • Several flexible activities, the Quiz or the Socializer, to address all your needs and requirements.
  • A specific focus on the control of the technology and technical setup to adapt to the event's constraints.
  • Combination of physical items with our digital tool for an immersive and unforgettable experience!
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